Q: What is a Unified Membership? 
Unified Membership allows customers to use a single account for both in-store and online transactions.

Q: What are the benefits of Unified Membership? 
A: Unified Membership makes it easier to track all transactions in one place and eliminates the confusion of having two separate accounts.

Q: What are the contact details needed for a Unified Membership? 
A: For Unified Membership, you need to provide either a phone number or an email address.

Q: I don’t have an account. How do I sign up for a new Unified Membership? 
A: You can sign up for a Unified Membership either in-store or online. 

 - Online: Visit our website or mobile app to sign up. After registering, you will need to verify your email address before you can log in. 

 - In-store: If you sign up in-store, you will need to provide an email address or mobile number. Verification of these details may be required for certain actions, like bank transfers.

Q: I only have a store membership. How can I change it to Unified Membership?  
A: If you already have an in-store membership but not an online one, visit your nearest CeX store to update your account. You'll need to provide the necessary information to verify that the in-store membership is yours.

Q: How do I link my existing store membership to my online membership?  
A: To link your store membership with your online membership, go to a CeX store. Show both memberships and your ID to the in-store team, and they will help you connect the accounts.

Q: I only have an online membership. How can I change it to Unified Membership? 
A: Online memberships will be automatically updated to Unified Memberships. You would have received an email notification and can use your membership for in-store transactions as well.

Q: Can I keep using my old account? 
A: Yes, you can use your old in-store membership card for up to 1000 uses. Each scan of the card counts as one of your allowed uses. Once you've reached the limit, you'll need to switch to your new account to keep trading.

Q: Can I still use my old account once it’s linked? 
A: No, once your old account is linked, you must use the new account. The old account cannot be used any more.

Q: What will happen to all the old transactions on my store and online accounts? 
A: All your old transactions and data will be transferred to the new membership.

Q: What IDs do I need for membership? 
A: You can find the list of accepted IDs in this article.

Q: Will my membership number stay the same on the new account? 
A: No, you'll get a new membership number, which will be 18 digits long.

Q: Can I update my proof of ID online? 
A: No, you can only update your proof of ID in-store; it can’t be done online.

Q: Can I add multiple store memberships to one account? 
A: Yes, you can add all your store memberships to one account